ICYMI: Self-Service Improvements in Feed Ingest

Monitoring and managing your ingests can be a time consuming and complicated task so we made it easier to know where the problems are. Take a look!
Written by
Sky Knippa
Published on
April 28, 2023

Everyone Loves a Dashboard.

It's a game changer. Instead of having to sift through an endless list of feeds or API responses looking for metadata or video issues, you can now see them all in one place. And not only that, but the dashboard has the operational benefits you need of highlighting the problematic feeds so you can focus your attention where it's needed most. Think of it as a traffic light system for your feeds: green means everything's good, yellow means something is in progress, and red means it's time to take action (which is why we made it blink). The very bottom of the dashboard includes the list of feeds for the time period you selected, basically the base data informing the dashboard if you like tables instead of charts.

But What Can I DO With it?

Dashboards are so 2010. You want dynamic views and actionable insights, we know. That's where the self-service part comes in. If your feed had metadata or video issues, you can abort it right then and there, without having to contact Vimond support. That means you don't have to wait around for someone else to fix the problem – your team can take matters into their own hands. It's like having your own personal IT department, but without having to make a ticket.

Once your team has solved the problem you can restart the task that failed and get back in action!

Finally, these controls also enable editorial teams to temporarily abort large feeds in the queue in order to fast-track the time-sensitive content that you need to get distributed as soon as posisble (such as news or sports). Once your urgent items are clear you can restart your other, less critical, tasks.

See you next time!

Why did the media company hire a group of cows?

Because they needed to “moo-ve” their video content to Vimond VIA!

I’ll see myself out


Sky Knippa

Agile Coach

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